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Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Editing the Sidebar

  1. Although the Coffee Machine appears in the sidebar, this does not match the other asset tables. It looks strange where it currently sits, at the bottom of the sidebar. Since we’re going to redesign the sidebar, we’ll need to go back into Designer.

  2. Use the documentation linked below to delete the menu button for Coffee Machine Assets from the sidebar:

  3. Return to Explorer.

  4. Open the Assets table from the sidebar.

Editing the Tab Strip

Notice that the other asset subtype tables (IT Assets and Vehicle Assets) are displayed as tabs along the tab strip at the top. Let's add our new table to this tab strip.

Building the Create Screen and Details Layout for a Table

You might also notice that if we try to create a new Coffee Machine Asset, the Create sidebar is empty. We need to configure the layout of this section for the table to be able to accept new data.

In this section, we will build a way to create new Coffee Machine Asset items, and edit their details.

  1. Open the Coffee Machine Assets table in Designer, and then navigate to the Design tab.

  2. Read the following documentation

  3. Add the columns to the form that you believe are relevant for tracking a Coffee Machine. Once you are satisfied with the columns selected, click Add to Form.

  4. Make sure you save your changes.

  5. Ensure that the Create Screen layout is also configured.

  6. Make sure you save your changes.

  7. Now, if we view the Coffee Machine Assets table in Explorer, we can see that now when we create a Coffee Machine, we are able to enter data. And, when we open a Coffee Machine item, we can edit all the fields that we added to the form.